Watercolor 3D
Used Perlin Noise to simulate brush strokes of volume
data and applied the noise back to the volume data.
System Requirements |
Implemented |
Download |
Windows NT, 2000, ME, or XP |
C++, OpenGL, FLTK |
watercolor.zip |
Mac OS X 10.4 or later (Universal) |
Cocoa, OpenGL, Xcode |
watercolor.dmg |
Hair Modeling
Simulated different types of hair from very curvy to
straight, from very short to very long, and from very dense
to balding.
Implemented: C++, OpenGL, FLTK.
System Requirements: Windows NT, 2000,
ME, or XP
Download: hairmodeling.zip
Hair Animation
Simulated different affects forces have on hair from wind, gravity, and damping, as well as,
user-specified forces directly impacted on the hair.
Implemented: C++, OpenGL, FLTK.
System Requirements: Windows NT, 2000,
ME, or XP
Download: hairanimation.zip
Show Hidden
This little Apple Script Application shows hidden files
and then hides them again.
Implemented: AppleScript & Apple
Script Studio
System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.1
or later.
Download: showhidden.zip